B9 - Texts

Exchanging a Defective Appliance

When it comes to going shopping americans don't hesitate. Like brazilian people they always browse around, looking for best offers and sale. When shopping there are some things to be considered: the price of a product, the quality, the guarantee, etc.
When choosing a product we must know a little bit about it's make, try it out at the moment of sale (if possible), ask for the ways of payment, ask for the guarantee (extended if possible) and for the sales slip.
If the costumer gets a defective appliance home he has 3 different ways to solve the problem (in U.S.A.): he can exchange it, ask for a refund or ask for credit.
If he decides to exchange it he'll have another appliance home.
if he decides to ask for a refund, he'll receive his money back.
If he asks for credit, he'll be able to buy other things up to the amount of money he spent.

American Eating Habits

When it comes to smoking and drinking we're fairly aware that you can end up badly. The consequences of these vicious are catastrophic. But we're not aware that eating habits can do the same job in little less time and result in a lot of consequences to health. What's the problem of these eating habits? What are the consequences and why is that happening?
Americans don't have time to eat; at least well. They work 24/7 and worry about so many problems that they forget that eating is also one itself. The problem is the fast food market. McDonalds, Bob's, Taco Bell, and so many others offer cheap meals, fast service and delicious taste. Why would I eat healthy food that is more expensive and not so tasty if there are over 80 McDonalds in Manhattan (I can have my lunch really fast) and offer cheap and delicious meal? That's the whole point. The level of obesity is increasing tremendously, not to forget that a lot of diseases are in a high level such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart desease, liver failure, arthritis, respiratory problems, stroke and others. It's already been proved that you can die if you eat junk food everyday (just watch "supersize me"). And the problem is that the industry and its marketing do all the possible to catch the world's eye by offering drive-thrus, toys for children, deserts, breakfast, brunch (breakfast+lunch) and the worst of all: SUPERSIZE. What's the problem of supersize?
Supersized cokes, fries and sandwiches are being offered by a cheap price, so even if you know that you're not capable of eating that much you won't refuse more food for a good price. And the americans love to supersize everything. Let's hope their eating habits change before it's too late.

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Videos: 01 - 02
Marine Plastic Pollution

Do you know where our plastic goes?
Did you know that our oceans are filling up with plastic pollution? Plastic fragments contaminate even the most remote locations on earth and the harmful chemicals lead by plastics are present in the blood stream and tissues of almost everyone of us. Plastic pollution harms people, animals and the enviroment. In the marine enviroment plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller particles that absorve toxic chemicals are ingested by wild life and enter the foodchain that we depend on.
Consumption of throaway plastics such as bottles, containers, bags and packaging spiraled out of control. Recycling is not a sustainable solution and the reality is that most of our plastic waste is landfilled, downcycled or exported to other countries. And tragically millions of tons of plastic are poisoning our oceans. Businesses and governments need to take responsability through new ways to design, recover and dispose of plastics. Plastic pollution is the visable symbol of a global crises over consumption. Let's pledge to shift our societies away from the disposable habits that poison our oceans and land, eliminate our consumption of throaway plastics and begin embracing a culture of sustainability. Our health, our children and the survival of future generations depend on us.
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