B8 - Texts

New Orleans

Being the largest city of Louisiana, New Orleans offers many attractions for tourists such as the French Quarter and the notorious night life of Bourbon Street.
The New Orleans area is home to numerous celebrations such as Mardi Gras (similar to our Carnival), New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (One of the largest festivals in the world), The Voodoo Experience Fest (a music festival during Halloween week), etc.
New Orleans has always been a center of music, specially jazz, and it's famous for one of the most notorious artists ever: Louis Armstrong.
In 2005 Hurricane Katrina approached the city and most of the residents had to be evacuated. But the government had engineering problems and the city got totally flooded.

San Francisco

San Francisco is one of the most famous cities of California and one of the most important financial centers in the USA. It's famous for its very expensive life and for its hills that go up and down all the time.
It offers a lot of attractions such as The War Memorial Opera House (The second largest Opera House in North America), San Francisco Pride (a parade for gays), The Museum of Modern Art, The Exploratorium (Science Museum), etc.
There's the Ocean Beach but few surfers go there because the water is too cold and there are dangerous rip currents (corrente marítimas). 
There is also a Chinatown in San Franscisco and it's the oldest one.
It's common to see people using cablecars and bikes in the city.
During the Spring and the Summer it's common to see fog in the city.
One the most important constructions of the city is the Golden Gate Bridge, that connects San Francisco City to Sausalito. It's one of The New 7 Wonders Of The World. (As 7 Maravilhas Do Mundo Moderno).


Hawaii is an american territory and it's considered an american state. It's one of 130 islands located in an archipelago but only 8 islands in this archipelago are inhabitated. They are: Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kauai, Niiihau, Maui, Kahoolawe and Hawaii.
Hawaii is famous for its amazing beaches and summer vacations and it's the perfect destination for a honeymoon. There's are also a lot of volcanos and the National Park of Volcanos.


Alaska is another american state. It's distant from the continental U.S. and it's famous for its bleakness, icebergs and mountains. The most famous mount is the Mount Mckinley. Its population is named eskimos.
In the past people believed there was a causeway connecting Alaska to Russia due to the similarity in looks between orientals and eskimos.